Development Overview

Professional Development Workshops

research training workshops

Centre Wide Mentoring Program

Graduates Entering Renewable Energy Sector (%)

Exciton Science attracts the most promising and capable PhD students and Early Career Researchers (ECRs) and is entrusted with their career development. To ensure our students and ECRs have a beneficial experience, regular workshops are held, as well as seminars in which students and ECRs are given the opportunity to present their research.

In 2020 the Centre brought members together on a weekly basis in our Online Seminar series, conducted a number of communication training programs, ran our first Centre-wide Mentoring Program and ran our first Work Experience Program and Capstone Conference.

Students and ECRs in the Centre have an invaluable opportunity to access a broad range of expertise from senior members and Exciton Science seeks to ensure they capitalise on these. You can find a full list of workshops and seminars held during 2020 here.