Exciton Science Key Performance Targets (KPIs)

KPI full details

Performance Measure 2020 Target 2020 Actual
1 Number of research outputs
Refereed (Peer reviewed) journal articles 60 97
Books 0 0
Book Chapters 2 0
Contributed Conference Presentations 45 41
Patents and IP Disclosures 5 2
Patents Generated 1 0
Joint Publications (between Nodes) 10 18
2 Quality of research outputs
High Impact Publications 25% 27%
Number of New Citations to CoE Outputs Each Year 900 1316
Cumulative Citation to CoE Outputs 1800 2396
Highly CIted Papers (Top 1% in ISI) 2 0
3 Prizes, Awards and other Prestigious Measures of Centre Researchers
National Awards to Staff, Students or CIs 2 8
International Awards to Staff, Students or CIs 0 4
4 Number of training courses held by the Centre
Summer Course in Solar Cell Technologies 1 0
Training Course in Excitonics (or New P/G Course) 1 1
Media Training Programs - Dealing with the public and Science Communication Skills 1 3
5 Number of workshops / conferences held / offered by the Centre
CoE Annual Exciton Science Conference 1 0
Workshops/Conferences Fully funded (Monthly Seminar Series) 10 36
Co-sponsored/Co-funded Conferences /Symposia/Workshops/Seminars 5 3
6 Number of additional researchers working on Centre research
Postdoctoral researchers (At any one time) 30 54
Honours students (At any one time) 20 5
PhD students (At any one time) 70 70
Masters by research students 6 6
Masters by coursework students 2 14
Associate Investigators 20 26
Undergraduate Students (Capstone Subjects or Summer Vacation Scholars) 20 17
7 Number of postgraduate completions
PhD 25 10
MSc 4 2
Hons. 18 4
8 Number of mentoring programs supported by the Centre
Entrepreneurship Training Courses Offered 1 3
ECR Mentoring / Training Programs 2 1
CI Science Leadership Programs 1 1
9 Number of presentations/briefings
Government or Industry Briefings 10 11
Invited or Keynote International Conference Presentations 15 26
Plenary International Conference Presentations 2 0
10 Number of new organisations collaborating with, or involved in, the Centre
New International Linkages 4 7
International Visitors 30 5
Visits to International Laboratories 50 3
New Industry Links 2 4
New Industry Contracts or Collaborations 0 5
11. Media and Online Presence (monthly)
Unique users 1,250 2,101
Tweet impressions 15,000 30,150
Profile visits 300 410
New followers 22 31
Total link clicks, retweets, likes and replies 150 300
New Page Followers/Page LikesĀ  5 & 5 19 & 18
Page Reach 1000 97,617
Engaged users 125 2,203
Total likes or comments 50 69
New followers 5 8
Annual media mentions 12 295
12 Number of Outreach Programs - Public Education, Stakeholder and Government
Public Talks (inclusive of ACEx Public Talk Series, National Science Week talks/events, Other researcher led public talks) 10 4
Presence at public/scientific events to promote the Centre's research 10 5
Participation and Co-sponsorship of Events with National Science Week etc 4 5
Participation in events and engagement with peak industry bodies such as Clean Energy Council or Science and Technology Australia 2 4
Engagement with education and teachers associations such as Science Teachers Association of Victoria or Chemistry Education Australia. 2 6
School Visits 10 4
Exciton Science Challenges - To engage schools, the public and industry 2 1
13 Number of Commercial-Related Outputs
New software Codes for High Throughput Materials Discovery (Publically Available) 0 0
Patent Licenses 0 0
Start-up Companies 0 0
New Grants from non-ARC Sources (>$25k p.a) 3 8
Graduates Entering Renewable Energy Related Industries or Employment 25% 42%
14 Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Targets
Maximum Male: Female PhD & MsC student ratio 3.2 2:1
Maximum Male:Female Postdoc, Researcher Ratio 3:1 5:1
Annual Climate Survey 1 1
Equity, diversity and wellbeing training, including but not limited to Unconscious bias, cultural awareness, respectful workplaces, mental wellbeing 3 5
Annual review and development of Centre policies, and promotion of support services in cases of harassment, bullying, inappropriate behaviour or misconduct (research, professional or personal) 1 4
Carer's support fund $10k $0